Apr 26th, 2014 | by Tope Olutola

Ask yourself these questions

How many clients do you have as at this minute?
How profitable is each client to you?
When was the last time you communicated with your clients?
Who is responsible for each client?

If you had even a minute difficulty in answering No of the above question, then you need a Client Relationship Management Software.

Introducing .CONNECT CLIENTELE. This is a software developed by ETN. CONNECT to help you and your organisation effectively monitor and track your clients. As they say, a happy client is a paying client, .CONNECT CLIENTELE helps you achieve the following:

1. Centralize all client information in one location
2. Group clients or potential clients by category, product type and other customizable fields.
3. Write situation reports on each client with integrated action plans and action assignments.
4. Automatic sms reminders on action to client relationship officers
5. Create invoices, payments and other transactions
6. Rich reporting from client profitability indexes to Receivables Aging

Contact a relationship officer today for a quick deployment of .CONNECT CLIENTELE  for your organisation.

Call 08031920068 for more information