Track Inventory with .Connect Finance

Apr 25th, 2014 | by

As chairmen, chairpersons, CEOs and managers controlling a company that deals with inventory, no matter how small or big, we are faced with many challenges.

 The challenges range from;

  1. Difficulties in estimating the true and historical costs of items supplied
  2. Huge discrepancies between stock accounted for and actual stock in store
  3. Difficulties   in estimating the profitability index of each item in stock
  4. Inability in knowing the total stock inventory at any given time
  5. Difficulties in obtaining sales history of any/all item over any given time

These challenges determine the success or otherwise of our businesses and if not taken care of, could spell doom for us.

In overcoming these challenges, you need ..CONNECT FINANCE.

.CONNECT FINANCE is an inventory software specially designed to track the movement of stock items from the purchase order stage all the way to the sales of stock. It monitors inventory inflow with particular focus on cost basis. It analyses the profitability index of all/any of your product at any given time. It prepares all financial reports; be it Trial Balance, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow and other Bank Accounts Statements.

These benefits of .CONNECT FINANCE are gotten in easy steps:

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1        Register all your company’s suppliers and clients

2        For all orders made to a supplier, purchase orders must be made. This is to simplify the tracking of Purchasing Costs.

3        Once a supplier delivers an order, a Goods Received Note is loaded to confirm the quantities of items received

4        The supplier’s bill is then loaded

5        Once payment is made to a supplier, the detail is posted. With special attention to the bank account where the payment is made from

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6        For every item sold, a quotation could be done. The quotation may then be converted to an invoice.

 7        All payments received from clients are entered into the system and are rightly linked to an account

This way, the software keeps track of all transactions of the company.

.CONNECT FINANCE is a software developed by ETN.CONNECT NIGERIA. We are a software developing company that provides all software-related applications that puts your company ahead of all others. Kindly contact any of our business solutions specialists on 08031920068 & 08156697808 or visit our website